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As nations around the globe attempt to fight sex trafficking, many consider legalizing prostitution. Two filmmakers travel across ten countries to explore the issue, attempting to answer the question:

“How can we prevent sexual exploitation before it happens in the first place?”

Though governments are getting better at prosecuting traffickers and providing aftercare to victims, it is time we begin to ask the question of what lies at the root.

Watch the trailer, and bring the film to your home town.


MICHELLE BROCK, Co-Director & Producer

Michelle Brock is the co-founder of Hope for the Sold, an organization that fights sex trafficking “one word at a time.” After completing her undergraduate degree in political science at the University of Guelph, she received the Millenium Scholarship Grant to make a short film about sex trafficking in Canada. Michelle has written several magazine and newspaper articles about social justice, and blogs regularly at

MICHELLE BROCK, Co-Director & Producer

Jared Brock is the co-founder of Hope for the Sold, and the happy husband of Michelle. Together they’ve travelled to almost 40 countries, and have witnessed an incredible amount of beauty and brokenness.

With a background in ministry and marketing, Jared is the creative force working behind-the-scenes via web and social media, and on-stage at conferences and speaking engagements. His dream is to be a writer and filmmaker when he grows up. His first book hits shelves in March of 2015.

MICHELLE BROCK, Co-Director & Producer

Dave McSporran is the owner of Bottled Media, an Ontario-based video production company. A graduate of the Toronto Film school with honours, his work has appeared online and on national TV around the world. More than 6 million viewers have seen his work in the past 5 years.

He’s happily married to Mandy, and totally in love with his adorable baby girl.


*Some names have been changed to protect the identities of trafficking survivors.